The Dietz Commercials
Links to the Dietz films are here for your enjoyment and study. You can also find them all on our YouTube page.
"You Are There!"
"The Most Amazing Soldier!"
"America's Movable Fighting Man"
"Look at All That Equipment!"
"TV's New Hero" (Color)
"TV's New Hero" (B & W)
"Really Something to Sing About"
"G.I. Joe Attack!"
"The Whole Outdoors"
"Where's He Going?"
"One, Two, Three, Four,..."
"Big News: Deep Sea Diver"
"Big News: Ski Patrol & Medic"
"Big News: Combat Jeep"
"On the Move: Get Some More!"
"On the Move: Bigger Battle Action"
"Over Fifteen Different Uniforms"
"A New World of Fun: Army Green Beret"
"A New World of Fun: Navy Sea Sled"
"A New World of Fun: Marine Demolition"
"A New World of Fun: Air Force & Deck Commander"
"A New World of Fun: Action Soldiers of the World"
"Do You Have a Set-up Like This?"
"Have You Heard the News?"*
"Your New GI Joe Talks!"*
"Clear the Decks!"*
"Open Ranks for Inspection!"*
"Adventure Packs"
* Recent information from Brian Savage of the G.I. Joe Club tells us the asterisked spots may have been shot in Amsterdam, Holland. More details as they are uncovered!