Race for Recovery
Race for Recovery (8028-1) was the first of three carded sets for Mike Power sold in the same assortment. It featured a short sleeve jumpsuit with red trim, what Dr. Venture would call a speed suit. Other contents were a narrow brown cloth or black cloth-backed vinyl belt, a recovery canister borrowed from the earlier Radiation Detection, a hard to find orangey pink rock, a walkie talkie, a compass borrowed from the Training Center, a grappling hook and rope ladder from Emergency Rescue, an alpenstock with a rounded point (to avoid poking your eye out), late issue low detail boots and a camera. The Jumpsuit can be found with both the more common Atomic Man tag or the rarer Bionic Man tag. Occasionally they show up with just the fragments of a tag, meaning a Bionic Man tag was removed from the set. The carded example below is missing the walkie talkie, though the bubble is tightly sealed. Apparently it was left out at the factory.